Friday, August 14, 2009

i eat pussy

i eat it for breakfast. i eat it for lunch. i eat it for dinner. i eat it for every meal in between. and when i feel like bingeing, i snack on it in bed.

pussy's an excellent diet to be on. it's no fuss. it's non-fattening. it's soul food. it doesn't give you gas. it doesn't get you constipated. and it loves to be eaten.

yessiree, pussy's just yummy for a flat, flat tummy.

excuse me while i cough up a furball.


  1. LOL. You left out the part about it being good for your heart because it contains omega-3 fatty acids.

  2. erm, the things is, cats are almost 100% pure lard!


speak on sweet lips that never tell a lie!